The show Modern Family is an original series filled with 11 seasons of real and hilarious perspectives of family life. The sitcom revolves around the connection of three families related not by blood but by their undeniable love for each other. It is always an amazing watch that does have a specific plot line, but you can really pick up from wherever.
Parents Phil and Claire Dunphy long for the trust, honesty, and respect of their kids. Their oldest daughter, a troubled teen facing all the harsh realities of the girl world. Their youngest daughter, middle child, is a school driven perfectionist who spends all of her time studying and is seen as the family nerd. Their youngest child, their son, and also a troubled kid like his sister all to make Phil and Claire’s life challenging. Claire’s father, Jay Pritchett, is married to his Latina wife, who is younger than his daughter. They raise two sons together, one whom she had with a previous husband, and one whom she had with Jay. They live a luxurious life as Jay is the owner of a closet empire. Which his son, Mitchell, always thought was funny. Jay’s son Mitchell and his partner Cameron raise an adopted Asian child named Lily together, and face many hardships with stereotypes even sometimes from family. All these different lives are tied together by love and care for each other.
Modern Family is a warm, loving show you can watch with your family, friends, or partner, and can watch anywhere, anytime.