Football Team Hoping to Play

Team working hard for opportunity to have a season

Prowl Staff Photo

Liam Davis, Staff Writer

Countless student athletes have put in hours perfecting their stills. Many go to workout opportunities held by their school. Their body energy is running low, but their mind is strong, hoping for a college scholarship. Without senior film their hopes of playing college football is close to zero. Yet, still, they grind. 


Many sports, like soccer and field hockey, were played during the fall season. With restrictions, these sports are durable and are much like it was B.C.(Before Coronavirus). However, football is unique. Restrictions will not work in this sport. Standing six feet apart would only benefit the offense. Pushing it back to February was smart. With the new vaccine orders football could maintain a full contact sport. 


Seniors will be facing an unusual year, with only two days in school a week, and since many look forward to sports and extracurricular activities. With the feeling of nostalgia peaking, senior football players look at the bright side. 


“Corona has affected me in football because it has postponed our season to February, giving us more time to physically and mentally prepare for [football]” said senior football player, Andrew Kenney. 


Playing in the super bowl doesn’t happen for no reason. It takes many hours of training, of  perfecting their bond, and bodies – it can often be lonely. In the rain, sleet, snow, you’ll see many players striving to become better. The Coronavirus’s effect on sports has actually benefited some, such as Senior Captain Matt Mahoney, who said “I feel more relaxed and ready for the season because I have had a lot more time to rest my body and prepare for the season.” Matt was a key contributor in last year’s success, starting  both ways for the Panthers.    


When speaking of sports, Coronavirus has had benefits, but it does negatively impact players in the sense of team chemistry. Paige Maslen, in “The Social and Academic Benefits of Team Sports”, mentions “team sports foster mentorship between older players and young players”, which can help student-athletes become more committed and collaborative in school. Working out as a team can push some teams over that line of good, to great. Coronavirus has changed that chance for improvement. “Corona has affected me in my preparation with football by keeping me from my team over the summer. The team would have become very close. But at the same time it has given me more time to work out and get better individually” mentioned Senior Captain Jack Condon. Both captains have worked vigorously to get ready for the season, and to attain scholarships. Their hard work might be paying off, even without a season this fall, as D2 Assumption College has been in contact with both.